Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is Our Food Safe-Part 2

Yesterday I was talking to a friend and she stated that her daughter has been sick for two days. Her daughter has been throwing up and cannot hold anything in her stomach. My friends feels that her daughter is sick because of the fast food restaurant she ate in. My friend did not report this incident to the county health Department. As a result an inspector will probably not inspect the establishment.

Every time we eat in a restaurant we are rolling the dice. We would like to believe that restaurants are safe, but after looking at the movie "Fast Food Nation" I wonder. If you have not looked at the movie check it out. The movie is fictional but sometimes messages are given that way because it is easy to swallow. The message in this movie is that everyone in the town is controlled by a major fast food empire that exploits every aspect of the communities life. The company is like a big machine that dictates and establishes the mind-set that the working/poor must endure.

The company is a beef processing plant where the fesses from the animals are included in the meat because the machines are running to fast for the employees. At any time an employee can lose an arm or leg because production is put ahead of safety. The animals are drugged and we wonder if our food is safe?

We have to remember that the movie is fiction but if you want to learn the truth about the fast food industry read Eric Schlosser's book. The food that our children eat in fast food restaurants have no nutritional value. The food that we eat is contributing to an unhealthy lifestyle. We must began to ask questions what the large companies are putting in their food to make it last for months. We will also need to ask why there is only one small aisle where there is health food in supermarkets?

For some reason mothers have forgotten how to cook real food. Most of the time we are on the run, so we eat on the run. When we ask the question is our food safe, maybe we really don't care. Maybe in the future we will drop a pill instead of eating food and that is how we will get our nourishment. There is something wrong when we know we are eating fesses from the plant and the plant continues to serve the product.

My friends daughter has been sick for two days but soon she will get better. No one will complain and the restaurant will continue serving rotten food. Considering all the restaurants they do a good job. But we have to make the companies more responsible to health. These enormous food empires can make a change and become more health conscious. We all need to demand healthier foods and force the companies to stop destroying the nutritional value of their foods.

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