Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is Our Food Safe-Part 1

We understand in American society everyone is running. Everyone is working and there is no time to cook. As a result we live in a fast food society. Everywhere we look there is a restaurant that we can go and get a quick meal. But is the food safe?

We trust federal agencies to inspect the food and we believe that companies have a sense of integrity, and they follow federal guidelines. We believe that companies would not sell food that is contaminated or of inferior quality. We believe that people's welfare is more important than profit. But we know that pharmaceutical companies were selling medicines whose side effect could injure and kill certain people. We know there are law suits against these companies that run into millions. But how could fast food companies act irresponsible also?

The fast food companies know that people need to eat to live. The question that I am raising is the food safe? Would companies put profits first and people's welfare third or fourth? We know in this innovative and digital world food is a commodity like clothes and technical gadgets. We serve them something that looks kinda like food, but has been transformed to resemble something else. Many times it looks like fish but the outside cover resembles something else. We eat it because we are hungry, and if it settles without any problems than we are fine.

The only time we get upset when the food does not settle properly and we end up at the hospital, or we get sick. When that happens we call the county agencies to make a formal complaint, and an inspector is sent to the establishment. The inspector in theory is suppose to inspect this restaurant every six months but it never happens. Some restaurants are inspected once every two years, and we wonder why there are violations?

When we get sick twenty four hours after eating at a restaurant, it is considered the restaurant fault. But if you get sick two or three days after eating at an establishment, it is not considered their fault. Every time we eat at a restaurant we are taking a chance, because the problem can start at the processing plant. The product that was shipped to the restaurant may be contaminated. As we explore the food that we eat, there is information that is keep from the public. Food companies know that their food is contaminated, but they still sell it to the public.

As long as there are only minor problems, than the fast food industry can continue to ignore the critics. They can continue serving food that is slowly making people sick. If everyone eats it than it can't be that bad. Tomorrow we will continue with the fast food society and our children who we are raising on fast food. Why do we buy it?

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